Saturday 3 August 2013

Fashion, Passion, and Future Trains.

Hello there beautiful wonderful readers, thank you for the attention to my words on page.

Words for me are most easily tackled and distributed evenly throughout my verses. I'm dyslexic and blogging is not my comfort zone. However, I hope you have enjoyed reading. This blog will mostly be considering the future but will inevitably involve some references to and rely heavily on the past. A funny thing that.. past, present, future paradigm. Anyway, I have a song that deals with that issue to some extent. It's on No Trait which hopefully you will enjoy. Anyway enough shameless self promotion on to more directed shameful self promotion in the later part of this blog.

I love fashion, especially streetwear stuff.  I have designed my own range and created my own brand with my dear fellow Daniel Hall. I will be looking into putting this into a profitable business venture this is because I've been looking for part time fashion work basically because I love it. I would really love to work in clothes outlet I just have a passion for that point of sale, shop layout and all the art and design that goes not just into the clothes themselves but their presentation to customers at their point of sale. Maybe I'm a geek for the high street. In fact I most definitely am. @WordAttire is the twitter for my clothing brand 'Word Attire' I will be posting more content there as stuff starts to get moving, it all relies on a bit of capital coming my way in all honestly. Like I said, I am looking for part time retail work and really would love to work in a H&M it just has a cool vibe to me. The people always seem nice.

For the future of music, well as I outlined in the previous blog it is all hands on decks in terms of recording. We're getting as much done as possible over the next month. We have put down the basics for a couple of new tracks, one called 'Wish and Chips' about football and the beauty of childhood, and another new version of 'East Midlands'.
The music video to my self produced version of the track is below, its on my dear friend and resident camera guy's channel, check him out for graphic design work and the like, I can vouch.. as can this example of his work.. 

It's actually also hosted by Guardian Witness on youtube which is cool.

This new version will have live strings and will probably stay acoustic but will be produced by Cal Real so will be much better quality. I will explore the backing vocals too which shall be fun as well as interesting. 

For the future, well it holds so beautiful things. I'm gona be doing a whole lot of spoken word around the place at open mics and stuff. I'm playing a hip-hop show up in Leicester soon and shall be around and about promoting.

Hope you're all well and enjoying the sun, rain, sun, rain, rain, sun, sun pattern we have going on. 

'No Trait', Update and Spoken Word.


So since finishing my degree in Sociology at the University of Leicester I have been getting on with a life without education or rather without formal education. This has possibly been the most schooling period of my life to date. I'm having to organise myself in a way that is as effective as possible as I'm juggling a few things. Mostly it is writing the end of the album, recording it, promoting it, and trying to find a job that still allows me to do this. Job searches take a long time, more than I would have imagined. I am trying to increase my skill set by doing a great Leicester University course in Online Networking and Employability it has been really helpful and it is the reason that got me started on this blog and I'm really enjoying it. I have some news about what I've been doing and how my music career is taking off. I've spent around 2 months promoting it and have had some movement and feedback. Here is where I'm at. 

'No Trait' is the debut album from - me - Puffin Ethics and Cal Real. 
It should be pretty good if I don't say so myself. It's been around 1 and 1/2 since we laid
down the first scratch track that made it to the final cut. We are putting together the last
3 or 4 tracks at the moment. It's pretty much all written and ready to go but a lot of our
writing takes place during recording so there's a while to go but it should be available in
late September. Watch @puffinethics for updates. 

The single 'Kick it'  from the album which premiered on Takeover Radio Leicester, and was played on BBC Hereford & Worcester is available for streaming on

Do take a listen if you have sometime.

In lead up to the completion of the album I have been doing a few magazine interviews. A notable interview was conducted for Gravity Serpent Zine it's a small independant zine that's up and coming so I thought it would be nice to be involved in something from its genesis. 
It should be in an up and coming issue, I appreciate all those involved in getting me involved.

I'm looking for more platform's in which to promote music so if anyone reading this that enjoys my music has a music blog or anything similar I'd love to speak to you. 

I have recorded a couple of Vlogs and a spoken word video to promote the album which shall be available on my youtube account soon. I have a few spoken word videos up at the moment which may be of interest for you.

BBC Introducing... Nozstock... and being grateful.

So hello again. 

Thank you for reading. Puffin Ethics here to inject some relatively interesting information into your lives.

At first, I shall introduce myself and my producer properly. I am Puffin Ethics, I am a rapper, I pride myself on writing substantial raps that hold more content than the content of my wallet, misogyny, and the occupational hazard of incessant homophobia. I love hip-hop, I love pop but I want something more in terms of meaning for my work. Turning your mind off and chilling out to some music is a valuable exercise but engaging in some topical debate and personal issues is equally so. Cal Real (of spanish pronunciation) is my producer extraordinaire. He is a crazy amazing talent and we write and create this music together. Its crafted from friendship and the determination to enjoy our lives, whilst realising what's going on around us. As pretentious as that sounds I promise its not. Honestly, we're no 'Foals'. Although I quite like Foals. Anyway, that's besides the point. Its class conscious music for anyone that enjoys a dance, or a think, or a nice time.

The last few weeks have been really fun and exciting. Music as a career is shaping up nicely - well much better than I would have expected for the limited amount of time its been my sole focus. A while ago I uploaded some tracks off our up and coming album 'No Trait' to BBC introducing. Two weeks later, I received an brilliantly surprising email that we had been broadcast on our local BBC radio station. Which you can find here. 

I was expecting to not hear back for a long time. Not even that, I then received an even more flattering email asking us to play at Nozstock for a BBC introducing Session. So we jumped at the chance. I attended Nozstock festival anyway as a punter, but to also play it was amazing. is where you can find details of that festival.

Anyway, we have now also been asked to finish our session for BBC introducing tomorrow at Malvern Rocks so that will also be amazing. Things are getting exciting and it's lovely. We are still working hard in the studio, and are looking around for more opportunities to get our music out there. 

If you are a promoter and you like our sound then we would be flattered to play for you or support a great act your putting on. Any bookings should be sent to and I shall reply swiftly and politely. 
If you are a person who isn't a promoter, please go check out the tracks too and let me know what you think. 

A big thank you to Andrew Marston and the rest of the BBC introducing team and all those who have given us an opportunity or anyone who has listened to us and told their friends, if you haven't you should because honestly I'd really appreciate it. 


Have a lovely saturday and I shall be writing more about the album later.

All my thoughts,

Puffin Ethics

The Blogs Cometh

So, Hello, and of course welcome!

I'm Puffin Ethics and its nice to meet you however virtual it may be.

This is my first post and I have got lots to write so I shall spread it over 3 smaller blogs in the interest of.. interest. The first section shall consider live shows and radio plays, the second the progress of the album and the third plans for the future. 

I hope you enjoy them. I shall be blogging spectacularly infrequently. 

Kind Thoughts yo, 

Puffin Ethics